My Top 5 Articles in Views

Nikos Skordilis
2 min readJul 4, 2022
Hand-drawn by author using Krita 5 . Licence: CC BY 4.0

After my general index article a few days ago I think time is ripe for a ‘Greatest Hits’ post. There are many ways to define popularity in this platform, but I chose two: number of Views and member reading times (called from now on ‘read times’).

The former vaguely define total popularity but can consist of more than 95% views from ‘non paid members.’ I say ‘non paid members’ and not ‘external views,’ because internal views vs external views are not synonymous with paid views vs unpaid views respectively. You knew that right?

The internal vs external, if you examine your Stats carefully, refer only to the origin of the readers. They are merely a SEO metric to determine how much traffic is derived from inside vs outside Medium, whether paid or not. They’re not directly relevant to read times, though internal views should mean more read times.

I chose read times over Reads because they are the sole Medium metric that can be directly translated to earnings. All others are indirect, suggestive. And Medium does not report total read times, only total Views and paid member read times.

So, in this article I will cover the Views. In another one I will list the Top 5 in read times (and thus earnings.)



Nikos Skordilis

Curious creator trying to gain a more beautiful mind and a lighter heart via his words and images.