Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

What I've Read

6302 stories

A man in a red suit holding out his hand to greet you
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

Philosophy, psychology and religion

24 stories

Early Athenian coin, depicting the head of Athena on the obverse and her owl on the reverse — 5th century BC.
At the center Plato is shown on the left and Aristotle on the right. Plato points up, representing his idealism, while Aristotle points toward the Earth, suggesting his immanent realism.
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

What I Want to Read

186 stories

Reddish image of a person standing naked with their one arm crossed over their chest, their face not visible.
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

My Non Fiction

231 stories

A singular eye riddled by fire and various shapes. It looks like the eye of Sauron from Lord of the Rings.
Watercolor, probably by Barthélemy d’Eyck, from King René’s Tournament Book. Icy après s’ensuit comant les deux ductz de Bretaigne et de Bourbon sont à cheval armoyez et timbrez ainsi qui seront au Tournoy. “Hereafter follows the two Dukes of Brittany and Bourbon on horseback armed and with crests as if they were at the tourney.”
Screenshot of three stories from my Medium profile; the poem ‘My Imperishable Dream’, a comparative religion essay, and a fantasy short story.
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

My Adult Fiction and Poetry

62 stories

AI-rendered young adult girl with purple hair, purple glasses and large blue eyes.
A femme fatale looking brunette woman wearing a fancy and rather revealing black dress. The background looks like a fuzzy watercolor painting, with brown and grey hues.
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

My💯Story Challenge Round 2

34 stories

AI-rendered young adult girl with purple hair, purple glasses and large blue eyes.
An office with a large splatter of blood on the floor, appearing to be a crime scene.
Image of Abdi Agiros as a young Egyptian noble woman with ornate jewellery holding a cat. Two of the Ghiza pyramids can be seen in the background on the left, along with a temple on the right. The Sun sits rather low right above the pyramids.
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

My Fiction

239 stories

AI-rendered young adult girl with purple hair, purple glasses and large blue eyes.
A wizard casts a spell against a tree with multiple colors. The entire environment around them is also exploded in all kinds of colors.
An office with a large splatter of blood on the floor, appearing to be a crime scene.
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

Comedy & Satire

68 stories

Watercolor, probably by Barthélemy d’Eyck, from King René’s Tournament Book. Icy après s’ensuit comant les deux ductz de Bretaigne et de Bourbon sont à cheval armoyez et timbrez ainsi qui seront au Tournoy. “Hereafter follows the two Dukes of Brittany and Bourbon on horseback armed and with crests as if they were at the tourney.”
An office with a large splatter of blood on the floor, appearing to be a crime scene.
View of the large pool from the dorm room of author Nikolaos Skordilis during the last few days, after he started travel-writing again. My super friendly and obnoxiously loud Nepalese neighbor is staying at the dorm next to us.
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

All My Poems

184 stories

The head of the legendary hero Orpheus is sitting on his lyre, with both floating on a river. It feels like his lyre has replaced his body. Orpheus is like sleeping, with eyes closed and a gentle expression. He died after the Maenads attacked him due to rejecting their sexual advances.
A woman with fiery eyes, an elaborate armor and fragments of ice and little fires all over her.
On the right there is a handmade cloth item with the words ‘Dream Big’, a smiling cloud and a rainbow above them. Right below that there is a scissors and a sewing needle. On the left there is pink basket with light pastel blue twine wrapped with a Red Cross North America branded paper which writes “With Love”.
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

My VSS365 Words

65 stories

A woman with fiery eyes, an elaborate armor and fragments of ice and little fires all over her.
Raven haired and blonde female angels embracing each other and gently kissing. The former has black wings, the latter has white wings.
Two dark-skinned fairies in a forest trying a spell.
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

My💯Story Challenge Shorts

100 stories

Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

My drabbles, poems and other stories up to 200 words

94 stories

A stellar object in outer space seeming moving at very high speed. A few other stars are visible in the background, along with the halo of a galaxy. A rocky planet is also visible on the bottom left.
Image of an AI rendered Grim Reaper. In skeleton form, wearing a traditional black outfit. His scythe is elaborately designed, and they appear to be looking for someone.
A femme fatale looking brunette woman wearing a fancy and rather revealing black dress. The background looks like a fuzzy watercolor painting, with brown and grey hues.
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

Science Fiction

30 stories

A stellar object in outer space seeming moving at very high speed. A few other stars are visible in the background, along with the halo of a galaxy. A rocky planet is also visible on the bottom left.
A large group of robots of various sizes and kinds.
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

My Love Poetry

82 stories

Skier in a red outfit going down a steep slope among some icy mountains, with the Sun rising or setting in the background.
Raven haired and blonde female angels embracing each other and gently kissing. The former has black wings, the latter has white wings.
Two dark-skinned fairies in a forest trying a spell.
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

My Vampires

17 stories

AI image of a vampire woman with silver hair, deep red lips and orange-fiery eyes with some blood vessels popped around them.
Woman with glowing red eyes, what appears to be a Venetian style half mask, milk white skin, an elaborate hat and outfit, and platinum hair.
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

All About Japan

26 stories

Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

Collaborative Stories

3 stories

Santorini, Greece
Nikolaos Skordilis

Nikolaos Skordilis

Friend of Medium

Curious creator trying to gain a more beautiful mind and a lighter heart via his words and images.